At 7.30pm most Mondays we meet at Lutterworth Methodist Church
Singers welcome!
Charitable Support
Although we ourselves are a Registered Charity, Number 1048089, we aim to raise funds for a variety of other charities at our annual Christmas Concert. We especially enjoy supporting those that have a local connection or that are nominated by members of the Choir. Collections at recent Christmas Concerts have raised £993.15 for theUkraine DEC appeal (2022), £782.95 for Lutterworth Food Bank (2023) and £750.53 for Rainbows Hospice (2024)!
Below, are some of the charities we have supported in recent years:
£750.53 Raised For Rainbows Hospice at Christmas Concert!
A Thank You To
Lutterworth & District Choral Society would like to thank for the advice, support and resources they have provided. The organisation is dedicated to supporting amateur musicians, groups and societies like ours to flourish and thrive.
For more information on, please visit their website here
Power In Numbers
We enjoy joining forces with other musical groups in Lutterworth. In May, we collaborated with other local performing groups in A Concert for Lutterworth at Lutterworth College where nearly £1,900 was raised for Blooming Lutterworth, Villages Food Bank and Lutterworth Museum.
60 enthusiastic, committed members..
Lutterworth and District Choral Society continues to flourish, with some 60 enthusiastic, committed members. There is a constant influx of new voices, and a willingness to tackle new works. The choir is always looking for new faces and will carry on its tradition of bringing choral music to the people of south-west Leicestershire for years to come.